Be Open Minded to projekt programu Erasmus+, którego partnerami są: Belgia, Grecja, Wielka Brytania i Włochy. Projekt zaplanowany na 19 miesięcy.
The aim of the project is to open up to the new methods and ways of working. Partners are from Poland, Belgium, Italy, Great Britain and Greece. Every partner has experience in adult education and working with hard to reach learners. The „Be Open Minded” project is aimed at educators and trainers of adults (direct recipients).
The goals of the project are:
raising the professional skills of educators (animal therapy, art therapy, garden therapy, phototherapy), exchange of experiences exploring new methods methods and ways of working with adults, popularizing new approaches and methods in the education sector, improving trainers’ skills promoting different approaches to learning and different learning environments.
An indirect target group are adult learners who will benefit from the activities based on new knowledge and experience of training mobility participants as well as other educators and trainers.
Project activities relate to activities at international (educators) and local (educators and students) levels. International meetings include 4 training modules and 2 TM dedicated to project management and evaluation.
The methodology includes international mobility – the host partner will present experiences related to the methods and forms in which he has experience. Then, mobility participants will share experience and knowledge at the local level and test the demand and interest to participate in activities using innovative methods.
Zapraszamy na stronę projektu:
Jednym z rezultatów szkolenia w Grecji jest ankieta na temat teatru, a przede wszystkim raport z tego badania. Wnioski będziemy wykorzystywać w pracy.
Jednym z rezultatów projektu jest film – wirtualna wystawa- efekt mobilności w Polsce.
Mieliśmy okazję zaprezentować rezultaty naszego projektu na międzynarodowym kongresie online w Turcji.

Więcej o rezultatach projektu można przeczytać tutaj:
EPALE- artykuł o clown terapii
artykuł we włoskich mediach na temat mobilności w Grecji
Artykuł na temat warsztatu – pet terapia- we Włoszech
EPALE- artykuł w języku angielskim
Materiały dla edukatorów powstałe w projekcie